We want to offer your home well-designed interior design products and kitchen equipment, without it having to cost a fortune

Everyone should be able to create their own unique environment at home, where you have the opportunity to choose exactly what you want. Our idea is to create a personal home where you can be relaxed - and here PASSIO will combine design and quality without it having to cost a fortune. With us, you can easily find well-designed interior design products and kitchen equipment that can easily fit into your home.

We want to offer aesthetics and functionality in our range so that everyone can enjoy the same high quality. Whether you want to transform an entire room or just add a few new elements, our range is full of inspiration and possibilities. We are here to help you find the perfect solutions that reflect your personality and needs.

Whether you are setting the table for a casual dinner with the family or a festive gathering with friends, we have the perfect selection for you.

You can find everything from plates, glasses, bowls and much more.


We want to offer your home well-designed interior design products and kitchen equipment, without it having to cost a fortune

Everyone should be able to create their own unique environment at home, where you have the opportunity to choose exactly what you want. Our idea is to create a personal home where you can be relaxed - and here PASSIO will combine design and quality without it having to cost a fortune. With us, you can easily find well-designed interior design products and kitchen equipment that can easily fit into your home.

We want to offer aesthetics and functionality in our range so that everyone can enjoy the same high quality. Whether you want to transform an entire room or just add a few new elements, our range is full of inspiration and possibilities. We are here to help you find the perfect solutions that reflect your personality and needs.

Whether you are setting the table for a casual dinner with the family or a festive gathering with friends, we have the perfect selection for you.

You can find everything from plates, glasses, bowls and much more.


"More than just a home"

You can always expect high quality products – our mission is to run PASSIO as a place where you can find all kinds of products at favorable prices. We choose carefully what our range should contain, and therefore we have high expectations of our manufacturers regarding quality, price and design. We believe that everyone should have the option of a home that matches their style. We are sure that you will probably find the right plates, glasses or whatever you are looking for here at PASSIO.

The source of our inspiration

We currently collaborate with four different brands that are headquartered in Belgium. You can enjoy handicrafts from various countries in Asia, Europe and the Middle East. Our brands draw inspiration from global trends, which help to create a home with joy and well-being. All brands are known for their innovative designs that combine both style and quality.



We will add value to your home by offering character and color. It is in our DNA to be able to offer our customers a range that fits into every home. You can find everything from glasses to plates and cups here.
At PASSIO, it's simple - we want to make it easy to create changes in your home.



We will add value to your home by offering character and color. It is in our DNA to be able to offer our customers a range that fits into every home. You can find everything from glasses to plates and cups here.
At PASSIO, it's simple - we want to make it easy to create changes in your home.


Vores historie

I 2023 begyndte vi, Cengiz og Sajan, at drømme om at skabe noget særligt, der kunne bringe skønhed og elegance ind i hverdagen. Vi satte os ned for at diskutere vores vision og ideer, og vi begyndte at planlægge, hvordan vi kunne etablere en virksomhed, der kombinerer vores dybfølte passion for smukt stel og elegant service med vores etniske baggrund og værdier. Vores store families kærlighed til veludført borddækning har altid været en kilde til inspiration for os. De har ikke kun inspireret os, men også støttet os gennem hele processen. Med deres hjælp og opbakning har vi kunnet forme ideen til det, der senere skulle blive Passio ApS. Deres støtte har været uvurderlig i at give liv til vores vision og hjælpe os med at forvandle hverdagens måltider til specielle oplevelser, som bringer skønhed ind i hjemmet.

Fra drøm til virkelighed

I 2024 blev vores drøm til virkelighed, da vi, Cengiz og Sajan, stiftede Passio ApS. Året 2023 var fyldt med tanker, idéer og brainstorming, hvor vi udformede vores vision om at bringe smukt service og elegant stel ind i alle husholdninger i Danmark. Denne proces har været både udfordrende og inspirerende, da vi arbejdede på at realisere vores drøm om at tilbyde kvalitetsprodukter, der forvandler hverdagens måltider til særlige oplevelser. I 2024 er vi stolte af endelig at kunne præsentere vores virksomhed og vores sortiment. Vores mission er at gøre pænt service tilgængeligt for alle, og vi er glade for at kunne tilbyde produkter, der kombinerer skønhed med funktionalitet. Hos Passio handler det ikke blot om at levere produkter, men om at skabe øjeblikke, der samler mennesker omkring bordet og beriger hver spiseoplevelse. Vi ser frem til at fortsætte med at bringe kvalitet og elegance ind i køkkenet og hjemmet og glæder os til at se, hvad fremtiden bringer.